Cold Winter – Hot Integrations

The winter in Fargo has been bitter this year. Bad news for us, good news for you.

Because we’ve had to stay indoors to survive, we’ve had just that more time to build new application integrations!  As you can see, we are starting to see more B2B integrations which is great because it just isn’t your financial cores that take time to review. Here are the latest built specifically for the financial industry:

You keep asking – we keep delivering new integrations.  Bank permission reviews don’t need to include the task of gathering and transforming permission data, let us do it for you!

About the Author

Max Pool

Max is seasoned technologist, internet marketer, and leader with over 25 years of experience using Microsoft technologies, a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), and a MS in Computer Science. He has a knack for finding the pieces of an organization that cause people pain (i.e. poor margins, bad processes, or lost revenue opportunities) and turn it around with a unique blend of software and social engineering tactics.

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