Permission Assist Version 5.3 – Application Areas and Area Reviewers

As the temps continue to rise, the Permission Assist team has been working hard to give you a hot new update with Permission Assist version 5.3. In this update we have a highly coveted feature: area reviewers. We know that this was something many of you requested, and we’re so happy to reveal this feature to you now!

Area Reviewers

The new Reviewable Areas feature allows you to set up customized sets of permissions as “areas”. Within each area, you determine what permissions (or not) are reviewed as part of that area. The reviewer assigned to that area only reviews those permissions.

For example, let’s say you want someone in your organization, J. Doe, to review only a few sensitive permissions and the people who have access to them (ex. who can release wires more than $50,000). In the past, you would have had to give J. Doe Application Manager access, which would not only allow them to see all users and permissions, but would also allow them to add applications, import data, and change configuration data.

With the new Area Reviewers feature, you can now create reviewable areas with specific sets of permissions so J. Doe can review those permissions without exposing all permissions, users, and configuration data.

This version of Permission Assist also includes enhanced Ellie Mae Encompass and Fiserv Signature plugins. Refer to your release notes for more information.

Since this update comes directly from your input and feedback, we hope you enjoy Permission Assist version 5.3. And we can’t wait to get you more updates on the horizon.

About the Author

Elizabeth Hamm

Elizabeth is the queen of content at Sycorr. In her role, she helps the team educate, connect, and entertain about all things banking. With multiple years of experience, she builds upon a solid foundation and applies her superpower to keep even the deeply technical fun.

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