Permission Assist 4.2 Released – Taskboard UX Updates

Getting your entire organization through employee access reviews just got easier with the release of Permission Assist 4.2, featuring Taskboard UX Updates!

Financial institutions love how quick they can compile review data. But, even with efficient data, they still needed help getting their supervisors through the review process.  Distilling the feedback, we made some small (but impactful) changes to the taskboard that should help everyone out.

Application Status Menus

Users can now quickly see which applications they still have to respond to using the improved application menus on the taskboard.  These menus no longer show the overall status of the review, but rather are contextual to the signed-in user.

Simplified Quick Filters 

The Taskboard quick filters have been streamlined for clarity and ease of use. The “My Outstanding” filter now allows you to filter by the different organizational roles you may be responsible for, and the “Status” filter allows you to show review items by any combination of available statuses.

Enhanced Privilege Descriptions

Application privileges with a description now show an icon, that when clicked, will display additional information. The Microsoft Active Directory privilege reader has been updated to include these descriptions. When when you review Active Directory groups, you have access to the description that resides in AD.

I’m getting the developers to look forward to 4.3!

About the Author

Max Pool

Max is seasoned technologist, internet marketer, and leader with over 25 years of experience using Microsoft technologies, a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), and a MS in Computer Science. He has a knack for finding the pieces of an organization that cause people pain (i.e. poor margins, bad processes, or lost revenue opportunities) and turn it around with a unique blend of software and social engineering tactics.

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