As the leaves turn orange and the nights grow longer, we’re combating all things that go bump in the night by smoothing out your IAM processes. Permission Assist Version 6.2 is out now, and it offers many treats, including major updates to an area we’ve received a ton of feedback on, entitlement roles.
Maintain Ideal Access in a Constantly Changing World
Trying to keep up with a moving target of constantly changing permissions isn’t only tricky, it’s exhausting. To those outside of the InfoSec bubble, it can seem like an easy one-and-done task. The reality is – changes happen all the time. New applications are installed, the loan department decides to carry a new product or service so now loan officers need a new privilege, internal policies or regulatory requirements change, or the core system gets a year-end update; all of these are just a few examples of situations that make defining and maintaining ideal access templates a challenge.
Maintaining ideal access using Entitlement Roles used to take a lot of time. The new Recommend Changes feature makes keeping Entitlement Roles up-to-date easier than ever.
With just a few clicks, Permission Assist reassesses ideal access and updates your recommendations.

Increased Flexibility with Entitlement Role Conditions
Trying to properly match employees to appropriate entitlement roles while considering complex situations can sometimes feel like more of a trick than a treat. With Entitlement Role conditions, you can now connect employees to Entitlement Roles with more flexibility than a Stretch Armstrong or Mrs. Incredible costume.
Most of the time, employees are automatically matched to Entitlement Roles based on job title. Although job titles are still important, we needed to allow for a lot more flexibility. For example, if you have a teller who floats from one branch to another, they might need specific permissions at one branch but different permissions at the next.
With the new conditional settings area, Permission Assist supports more complex matching to include office (branch), Department, Identity type, and more.

We hope you enjoy these new treats within Permission Assist 6.2. If you want to learn more about everything coming in this update, check out the 6.2 release notes.