Book a Recon Session

A simple meeting to fit your application into the Permission Assist puzzle.

It looks like we’re ready to get your important applications working with Permission Assist. We’ll work with you to create a plugin (what we call our integrations) that enhances the ability of Permission Assist to work with your application’s user and permission data.

Are You New to Recons?

Don’t worry, recons are fantastically straightforward and we’ll be with you every step of the way. We want to gather the right information about the application from the people who work with it the most.

If you aren’t a fan of videos and would prefer to read about Recon sessions, download the PDF below!

Who Should Attend?

Because we’ll be logging into the application and talking through some permission details, we’re going to need a very specific person to be a part of this meeting. We call this person the Subject Matter Expert. This is someone who:

  • Uses the application on a regular basis
  • Understand the permissions of this application in detail
  • And knows how they are assigned

Sounds like you? Perfect! You’re the person for the job and we can’t wait to start working with you.

Please add the best phone number to get a hold of you in case of technical difficulties.
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